Age Concern Merstham Redhill and Reigate rely heavily on the support we receive from our volunteers and members of the local community.

Our services couldn’t run without the help we receive from our wonderful volunteers; opportunities include:
Drivers and escorts for the transport service
Activity assistants to help with art and craft work projects
Day Centre Assistants to help with food service, general activities and clearing up
Befrienders – we are keen to recruit more volunteer befrienders to help us expand this vital local community service
Fundraising and event coordinators to help raise our profile and much needed funds
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure! We are happy to receive any of the following donations and we can collect any bulky items:
Tools and equipment for our Men’s Shed, any pre-loved wood working tools or equipment, including unused timber
Material and wool for craft work projects
Pre-loved clothing and Bric-a-brac for the charity shop. Donations accepted Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or please phone the office to arrange a local collection
Money – we have some of our charity collection pots in local shops and businesses but we are always looking for new locations. Please let us know if you have a shop or high traffic business and are willing to have one of our pots on your counter.
Or call us on 01737 645636